How Does Advertising Influence Teenager’s Cultural Understanding and Teenager’s Behaviour

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Introduction Commercial breaks, radio spots, product placement, billboards – we sometimes take for granted how much advertising surrounds us in our daily lives. Most of us are fairly good, although seldom perfect, at discriminating it from other kinds of messages. It is something that we tend to take for granted, seldom thinking about what it is or how it came into existence (William M. O'Barr, 2005). From the emergence of advertising until the 21st century, how much the advertising industry has changed. There has been a dramatic change in the world of advertisement in the last 20 years, and this is unlikely to cease in coming years. Advertising agencies that gave their years to this industry will change for good, be able to meet up with new challenges, new competition and new attitudes of the consumers. The revolution and rise of the advertising industry can be considered as beneficial or harmful to society. This has inspired me think of how advertising influences teenage cultural understanding and teenage behaviour. The aim of this paper is to consider whether advertising is beneficial, and also whether the advertisers indoctrinate the consumer using an appropriate technique. The career and selected work of Yasmin Ahmad of Leo Burnett Malaysia will be used as a case study. Works to be selected include the Petronas festival TV commercial. The thesis consists of four parts. The first attempts to address the influence of advertising on teenagers. Part 2 addresses the impact of the emergence of advertising. It is divided into 3 sections: the rise of advertising, the positive impact of advertisement to society and the negative effect of advertising. The third part is devoted specifically to the Petronas festival TV commercial advertisement. Part 4 is divided into 2 sections, which are the study and analysis of the good and the bad examples in the Petronas festival
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