Research Graphic Organizer Choose a Topic: Technology; Sports Equipment; Clothing; Food Questions to Research: Are Advertisements Aimed at Teenagers Effective? and, Are They Ethical?

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Research Graphic Organizer Choose a topic: Technology; Sports Equipment; Clothing; Food Questions to research: Are advertisements aimed at teenagers effective? And, are they ethical? My Response: Yes, I think ads are effective towards teens because you see teens making choice or buying things based off of what they saw from the ad. Especially, when a celebrity is advertising the product that they want to purchase it makes them want that item even more. Ads in today’s society are not that ethical. They are trying to sell their product to everyone not just to a specific type of people or race. Sources | Title, URL, and Date of Access|Central Idea| Advertisements targets, affects teens, , 6/21/14 | The main idea of the article is to tell about all the reasons of why ads affect teens. Ads show new “luxury” items that are a must have for everyday teens.| Teens ads 6/21/14| The main idea of this article is to show you how much other teens will listen to ads. How many use social media and the internet. | Ethics in advertising, 6/21/14| This article basically says that the ads tell teen what they would like to hear just to get them to buy the product.| Ethical standard for marketing towards teenagers, 6/21/14 | This article shows says that teens that are less fortunate will be “fashion bullied” because they can’t afford all the new high end products. Also is stuff that the less| Sneaky ways advertisers target kids, 6/21/14| This informs you of ways advertisers advertise to kids without

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