Motion pictures and television have brought entertainment and joy to millions if not billions of people around the world, but along with the good comes the bad. Society has evolved a great amount over the past century, but one aspect that has seen rapid change over the past few years are moral values. Taboos from the past are now becoming norms of the present, but this is how history has worked since the beginning of civilization. However, there are those who are having trouble making that transition. As a result, the government set up the FCC, or Federal Communications Commission, to not only act as a watchdog of the content of television shows, but to regulate other facets of the telecommunications industry as well.
Throughout the 20th century the demand for news increased exponentially due largely to the progress of technology. This demand changed journalism permanently, and started the mentality that “if there is no news to the naked eye, it needs to be produced” (Boorstin 1992, p. 8). The increased numbers of journalistic platforms like online news, and the emergence of social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook means journalists can substantiate false claims using masses of ‘followers’. I found the number of online newspapers who used Twitter responses to validate their claims alarming, and a major concern for journalism. Monica Attard (‘Australia's prime minister comes out swinging in
The issue is an important one as it affects millions of people around the world, as well as having a huge impact on thousands of other companies and businesses; both national and worldwide. It will also assess how much of an impact the media has on people, which in this day and age is a very important issue. If it were to be greater explored then there is a good chance that the same methods could be applied to other businesses, companies and football leagues around the globe in order to boost their presence on the market. According to Nauright and Ramjford (2010), the Americanisation of the English
Since the 1950’s there has been a lot of change socially and economically. Post 50’s was a time when people were opening up to new things and new ideas about the government. At the end of the 1950’s was when people began to want more things because more things were out there that can contribute to some form of economic stress. Along with that people were more able to know what was going on in the world they had the resources to find things out as the Television and internet came out. Along with knowing more brought out the fact that people became more independent from the government developing their own ideas about how the country should be handled.
Consumer buying behavior is also changing. Consumers are buying blades more frequently than they had in the past. Another change is new competition is entering the market. These new entrants are pushing innovation and trying to steal market share from the firms currently in the market. Increased advertising is yet another change in the category.
Breaking the Red Riding Hood Mold Imagine a time saturated with foreign war, where people in the homeland are constantly at odds with one another over whether the war is necessary, and a time of growing dominion of media which only seeks to capitalize on this turbulence in society. Welcome to the United States in the 1970s. While this period of history holds many negative connotations it also resulted in positive growth of society and positive social reform for the people of the United States. A portion of the social reform dealt with the glass ceiling rising, ever so gradually, for women in society. It is therefore somewhat easier to imagine the thought process behind Angela Carter’s retelling of the classic Red Riding Hood stories of old in “The Company of Wolves” in 1979.
“In recent years, however, though advertisers have become increasingly concerned with the purchasing power of ethnic groups, the images they use continue to reassure the consumer that the group’s “foreignness” is carefully controlled” (Rashap 353). Even though stereotypical beliefs play a huge part in advertising and how items are marketed, advertisers have started to target minority groups. Gender specific ads with certain sports stars or celebrities have endorsements meant to make them believe that if their favorite person uses this item, it must be good. “American Express features a slew of well-known people who assure us that they never go anywhere without their American Express card” (McClintock handout). Ann McClintock also tells us in Propaganda Techniques in Today’s Advertising, “Americans, adults and children alike, are being seduced” (handout).
Mass Media author, Jennifer Akins, states “…because the media are so prevalent in industrialized countries, they have a powerful impact on how those populations view the world.” This shows that people rely on the media for views on the world. Akin also states “…it is often in the media’s interest to not only report conflict, but to play it up, making it seem more intense than it really is.” For example, when there is a strike taking place at a company, the media crew and the reporter would make the protesters start chanting and hold up their placards once the camera would be on. Then there are situations where people would see the story and how extreme the situation is then immediately look at the race of the people involved to determine a stereotype. In the end, this would lead to racial profiling. One race that is used with many stereotypes based on the media and society are Hispanics.
Consumerism in the United States Consumerism is the center of American culture. Americans tend to confuse their wants with their needs. With new advances in technology, as well as the help of advertisers, people are provided with easy access to new products that seem essential to their everyday life, even though they have survived this long without them. It is a fact that people cannot live without food, water or shelter but the problem with consumerism arises when people take it to far and spend money extravagantly. You do not need the most fancy or flashy things to survive.
Every country still has its laws and its borders and thus the flow of people who leave or arrive within it is an ongoing debate on the policies, the pros and cons and every other aspect of it. Immigration is something that is happening around, even faster lately because of the world economical crisis that makes people search for better opportunities. For some countries it is a new phenomenon, but in others it is the normal way and dream. People run amazed by American Dream or any other ideal living in a state that they have in mind or have heard of. Sometimes it is just the opposite, sometimes it works well.