How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect The Economy

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The American Industrial Revolution was a time in the history of the United States of innovation and rapid growth. Growth that led to changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology. These changes affected the social, economic and cultural conditions during the nineteenth century and shaped the countries' future. The Industrial Revolution and the rise of a great nation. The American Industrial Revolution was a period of technological innovation, agricultural advancements and economic growth that propelled social and economic changes throughout the country. It was of great importance to the United States and its economical development that began in the mid-nineteenth century and steered the nation progressively towards modernization. The American Industrial Revolution largely contributed to the formation of society as it is today. It was a stage that made the…show more content…
During this stage, many technological inventions were created. Electricity was effectively harnessed and used. Samuel F. B. Morse invented the telegraph in 1837 which was used as the primary means to conduct and orchestrate the railroads. Elias Howe's created the sewing machine. Both of these inventions provided new job opportunities and promoted industrial growth. Unskilled workers or immigrants would lay the tracks and maintain the rail lines while factory workers manufactured the locomotives and rails. This need attracted fourteen million immigrants into the country and encouraged continued growth. Most of the industrialization took place in the Northeast region as the textile plants grew because they had an abundant water supply that could be used to power the textile mills (Library of Congress 2013). The sewing machine was used in factories and provided many jobs. These jobs involved running machines that spun thread and wove
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