How Did Athens Influence Athenian Society

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WHAP P.E.R.S.I.A.N. CHART Political: Pericles was the most popular Athenian leader. Under his leadership Athens became more sophisticated. Pericles even boasted that Athens was the “Education of Greece”. Population growth and economic development caused political and social strain but the Athens relived tensions by establishing a government based on democratic principles. Whereas Sparta sought to impose order by military means (war). Athens thought it was better to negotiate order by considering the interests of the other people. Economic: The value of maritime trade brought prosperity to Attica (a region around Athens). The main beneficiaries of prosperity were aristocratic landowners who controlled the Athenian government. As aristocrats gained more money they increased their land holding. Owners who had small plots could not compete…show more content…
The women did domestic work, taking care of children, or spinning and weaving. The Young men often played sports and females were forbidden to watch. Girls didn’t really do much physical activity. Inequality/roles - Respectable wives roles were to keep pretty, stay home, and to bear ( take care of) the children. If a wife wanted to get a divorce she would loose everything including her children, and would have to return home to their male figure. The less respectable women were called hetaera who were educated in culture and pornio who worked in brothels an exception to this are priestesses who had some freedom, where highly respected and remained unmarried. Women had less rights then men. They would be lucky if they could read, own their own slaves or play an instrument. Social Classes- Our society separated by a separate

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