Gilded And Progressive Era

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There are two primary issues in accordance with the progressive era that Putnam discusses. The issues are the economy and the population. Putnam also discusses the gilded age that was positive for part of the economy. Many businesses were established during thie period which led to the new form of economy. This economy was very helpful to the rich but detrimental to the poor. The gap between these two classes was expanded immensely. It was almost as if the rich could control everything about their well-being; because if you were rich, you had power. During this era, the immigration increased after the Civil Wr. Cities like New York, Boston, and Chicago were overwhelmed with immigrants. Most of the immigrants were European families escaping unemployment, war, and disease. A majority of these European immigrants were unskilled so their employment opportunities were limited. They mainly found work in factories. These immigrants created new neighborhoods based on ethnicity. In these individual neighborhoods fraternal organizations were founded. During this period of immigration the Americanization Movement came along. This movement was directed to the immigrants. This movement was a crusade to fully conform these immigrants to the American ideal. Because there was such a large group of immigrants, Americanization spread throughout the country quickly. Today there is evidence that part of the progressive era and concepts from the gilded age still exists. Chinatown in Washington, DC and Little Italy in New York City are two examples of how concepts from the gilded age still exist. These two neighborhoods were originally formed by immigrants from the gilded age. As for the progressive era you still have groups today that were founded during the progressive era and still exist today. For example, the American Civil Liberties Union was an organization to preserve the
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