The idea of a predictable and unpredictable life events involves generalisation. For some people issues like divorce or redundancy may be predictable, but other people may not have expected to be divorced or lose their job. Predictable life changes One event that is often predicted is when our children start school/nursery. There will be positive learning from this experience as the child will then learn to socialise with other children and make new friendships with them. The child will learn to share toys and develop a better vocabulary by listening to others talking.
Denise Barnes Student Number DEBAR 1751 Unit 2.1 Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of external factors If a child has a family/home environment which is not stimulating or enriching this will cause the child to fall behind developmentally. Early childhood is the time when the brain develops most intensively. If the child’s parents do not interact or nurture a healthy attachment this will make them fall behind in their development. If they live within a stressful family environment they may experience learning difficulties. Friendships are formed as the child reaches the age of three, these friendships will have an influence on their behaviour and social skills.
This would be a great chapter of the book for parents to read because it would help them to understand why the school is doing what it is doing. There may be a lot of different things going on when it comes to discipline that a parent of a student with special needs does not understand and this chapter could given them a good insight to the reasons behind the actions. Also it would give parents the resources they need to maybe challenge what the school is doing if the school does end up over stepping their role in disciplining a student
In 2006, the proportion of mothers with newborns that were in the workforce was at 57% (“Working Parents”, 2012). That number increased to 61% in 2008 (“Working Parents”, 2012). There are many single working mothers who have not finished High School or received a GED. This leads to problems down the road. Thirty percent of teenage girls who have dropped out of school listed pregnancy or parenthood as the primary reason (“Teen Pregnancy Prevention”, n.d.).
Year round school runs on a system where students go to school for a month and then get a week off and repeat. The common myth about year round schooling is that a student have to go to school for more than 180 days. In reality year round schooling is just as long as traditional schooling. SOLUTIONS A reason for year round school is that it is more fiscally efficient. Since year round schooling has one group of students that are on vacation for a week while the rest of school is in secession, it allows for class room space to be used more and a single teacher would Evers # be able to teach more students because of the way that year round schooling is set up.
Many people argue that development is vital in the younger years in the child’s life, and the ability to solve problems and apply ideas help in the long-term. Hyman argues that the lower classes create a self imposed barrier to learning their values. This is because he believes that they have a low value on education, with a ‘play safe’ culture and also a low level of self belief. This would all impact on the child performance at school as they would not have the attitude needed to progress. If at any point they failed, they would see this as a big mistake and give up and have a lack of motivation.
Children are hindered by these kinds of schools, teachers and peers lay a big role in the children’s lives. Some teachers are there for the income it will bring into their house hold and not the well-being of the child and students are pressued by their peers into thinking that education is lame and for losers. In most cases this is what children of low income go through but not all. Many may not realize that the surroundings of children may sometimes affect their future. Being raised in a low income area surrounded by people living the same lifestyle as you as if struggling is the norm of society.
Children tend to role play themselves through play playing schools and playing the role of teachers, playing mums and dads, etc so this proves that the way in which adults behave has a strong impact on how children look up to adults as role models. Having strong role models gives children security throughout their life. Teachers as role models help the child learn about rules,
If the child is being mistreated then it could cause them to act out when around and out among society. Love and learning starts in the home; it is a known fact that children learn from their environment and what goes on around them. It would be safe to say that a child can pick up on whatever behaviors they see or are being taught involuntarily. School and culture are other factors that impact the lives of children with EBD. Younger children can also catch on to whatever is being presented by other children when they come in contact with them and that is another way of observing and assessing a child with behavioral issues.
Another reason why a student would have to dropout is because their family needs finical help. Whether it be a parent sick, or a loss of a parent, or they just cannot make ends meet, that’s a heavy responsibility on a student and they would not be able to do both. In my opinion, the most important reason a student drops out is because they fall behind in school, and there is no way for them to catch up. Whatever the reason is, it is important for students to know that there are options. Distance learning is a great way to get back on track with school and get students motivated to graduate and start college.