Hillary Clinton- Unethical Leader

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Hillary Rodham Clinton: Unethical Leader What is the first thing comes to people’s mind when they hear the name Hillary Clinton? Usually people would think of words such as “the wife of Bill Clinton,” “First Lady,” and “a candidate in the 2008 presidential election.” In fact, none of these words can describe her correctly. I am going to expound about what kind of leader is Hillary Clinton by using leadership authorities, traits, and virtues essential for leaders. Soon it will be clear that she is not an ethical leader because of her lack of virtues, although she has some good leadership authorities and traits. Culver defines leadership as the ability of a leader to achieve a group’s goals while keeping the needs of both the individuals and the community in balance. It occurs when a leader exercises power through a balance of sources of authority and the cardinal virtues and traitsCulver defines leadership as the ability of a leader to achieve a group’s goals while keeping the needs of both the individuals and the community in bala, which will cause a group to grant the individual power over the group. Sources of authority include legitimate and expert opinions. Furthermore, ethical leadership occurs when a leader exercises power through a balance of sources of authority and the cardinal virtues: moderation, wisdom and traits: competence, communication, critical thinking, and responsibility. When leaders fail to observe the virtues in the exercise of power, their actions are called abuses of authority. Any leadership act that violates the virtues is an abuse of authority. Examples of abuses of authority include against courage and dichotomy. The formal appointment to a position is called legitimate authority. Obviously, Hillary possesses legitimate authority. Hillary is the junior United States Senator and President-elect Barack Obama's nominee for United States

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