Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 8 P1

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Unit 8: Psychology perspective for health and social care Psychological is the study of human behavior. A perspective is a different way of explaining the same behaviour. We study psychology in health and social care because it helps us to understand things that we might be going through, it also helps us to know how to communicate with people who have mental health issues/ disabilities, know how to treat people sensitively according to their needs/ past/ understanding etc. Task 1 P1 Part 1 Briefly explain the behaviorist psychological perspective Behaviorist approaches are different from most other perspectives because they view people as controlled by their environment and specifically that we are the result of what we have learned from our environment. Behaviorism is often used by teachers as a type of learning tool that either punishes or rewards the student. There are two types of conditioning used. One is classic conditioning; a famous example of this type of learning is Pavlov’s experiment of dog’s salivating when they see food. The other type of conditioning is operant, which is if a reward follows a stimulus, then you’re more apt to get better or more responses in the future. Behaviorism is primarily concerned with observable behavior, as opposed to internal events like thinking and…show more content…
It involves health and social care organisations working closely together with you to make sure you receive the right care services at the right time. With your permission, your assessment information will be shared with other professionals who will be involved in providing services for you. Single assessment process aims to make sure older people's needs are assessed thoroughly and accurately, but without procedures being needlessly duplicated by different agencies and that information is shared appropriately between health and social care
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