Hcs 451 Essay

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Risk Management and Quality Management Teshiya Camacho HCS/451 December 5, 2012 Mike Anderson Risk Management and Quality Management Questions | Risk Management | Quality Management | How does the leadership and governance of a health care organization influence the development and implementation of risk-management and quality-management policies? | By protecting the company’s assets, this is important for planning and organizing it also helps with preventing any sort of risks that may come about to patients. Also it will emphasize cost effective ways of going about the business. | Ensuring that desired level of quality is brought out and makes sure that all the participants are conducting themselves within the required procedures. This will generate profits due to its cost effective nature.This will also ensures that the public health care organization grows by showing its viability. | How do the philosophy and culture of the risk-management and quality-management policies influences organizational performance? | It ensures that the patients and employees are always safe.It also helps in money saving thereby ensuring that there are no job cuts.It enhances the overall reputation of the company and also Insurance cost are kept at aMinimal. | It enables organization to manage its resources. Initiates any changes that will translate into positive patient outcomes. Enforces conformity with policies and procedures which are designed to provide better healthcare to patients.Ensures that organizations get feedback and put those changes into place. | How do the risk-management and quality-management policies affect stakeholders? | It Increases the likelihood of more investors investing.It Ensure that more revenue is generated. It will Change the normal way volunteers, donators, and philanthropist dish out their resources. It can also boost bonuses and raises
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