Hcs 325 Effective Communication

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Effective Communication

HCS 325

May 16, 2011

This assignment asks us as students to consider ways in which a current organization shares knowledge and involves employees in formulating solutions to problems. This paper will also discuss techniques that are effective and ineffective for sharing information and ideas and how might these techniques be applied or modified in the healthcare environment.

When working in healthcare information is passed in serveral different ways and communicated through various types of people and organizations. The purpose of sharing information in the healthcare setting is to collaborate and provide knowledgeable information. In healthcare it is important to communicate effectively so that
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The pros to workplace sites is that there is the same information there for everyone in the organization to use, it helps staff keep up with updates of policies and procedures, and eliminates a lot of traffic in and out of the managers office in regards to the company and what they expect of their employees. The cons of using shared sites is that it requires some type of technical support to maintain the website and answered questions on issues such as how to use, and if the website is disconnected or shuts down employees have to figure out how to get the information they need which can be time consuming. A common shared workplace site at a hospital may be the electronic records, where people caring for the patient has access to the patients information and is able to document, and care for the patient through…show more content…
The ability to communicate effectively and properly understand a patient's needs, concerns and desires will not only provide satisfaction to the patient but also for the health care professional. If a health care professional is able to communicate appropriately, he or she will have a deeper level of accomplishment which will lead to greater motivation in his or her job, resulting in an improved health care system. Ineffective communication between members of the healthcare team can diminish the quality of patient care and result in patient harm. An example of poor communication, imagine a nursing home with a large, young staff of doctors and nurses that are highly qualified to do the job. However, the company is very hierarchical and a premium is placed on seniority over originality and other employee traits. A few younger employees have approached management with a new business idea, but their immediate supervisors haven't taken the proposal seriously and upper management is largely inaccessible to these employees. As a result, the small group decides to leave the company and start their own firm, which grows quickly and proves to be incredibly profitable. In healthcare we look to each for help with solutions on how to get the patient better and improve the care that is giving. Solutions to improve communication may be to offer a series of recommendations that prioritize

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