Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows J.K. Rowling's seventh book in the Harry Potter series is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. A summary for purposes of a book review is as follows: The book opens with Dumbledore having died. Harry reads several obituaries which make him wonder if he ever really knew Dumbledore. Meanwhile, Harry is planning a move to protect himself from Voldemort. Harry is leaving the Dursley's house – they will have to go into hiding as well. Harry is going to temporarily live at the Weasley's house. Voldemort is hoping to capture Harry en route so that Harry is forced to fly with a group of his friends who act as decoy "Harrys." Harry makes it to his destination, with the help of his wand, which is able to fend off Voldemort seemingly by itself. Moody is killed in the chase, though, and George Weasley is injured. After this incident Harry seems to gain an ability to see through Voldemort's eyes. Dumbledore left Harry, Ron and Hermione one last task. Pieces of Voldemort's should are hidden in Horcruxes. As long as they survive, Voldemort is immortal. They need to find the Horcruxes and destroy them so that they can destroy Voldemort. The group is collecting the necessary books for the task when the Minister of Magic, Scrimgeour, comes to deliver Harry, Ron, and Hermione what he left them in his will. Harry is left the Sword of Gryffindor, as well as a snitch from Dumbledore's first Quidditch game, but Scrimgeour claims the sword didn't belong to Dumbledore and doesn't give it to Harry. Ron is left a device that turns lights off and Hermione is left a book. Summaries continue with Voldemort having taken over the Ministry of Magic and releasing Death Eaters which show up at the wedding reception of the Weasleys' son. To escape the Death Eaters, Harry, Ron and Hermione teleport themselves to the streets of London. Unfortunately the Death

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