Summary Of Halo The Fall Of Reach

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Halo: the fall of reach Plot summery: The book starts off with Dr. Hensley and then lieutenant keys on a spacial military mission to study children. They studied hundreds of children and the ones they liked were abducted and put into the Spartan 2 program. The first one they studied was a boy name John who would later on become the master chief. The watched as john played in a game of king of the hill where john dominated the game next she put him into a test which invalid flipping coin and guessing which way it would land John again passed with ease. It seemed luck was on his side or he was unlucky because at that moment he was hand picked to become the first child to be put into the Spartan 2 program. Once all of the children were…show more content…
When he notices that he was lift a lot more than he use too ,also time seems a little slower. He takes the pin out of a wight and dropped it and seen how long it takes for him to grab it before it hit the ground. At the same time some of the O.D.S.T. troopers came into the room and were working out. If you don't know O.D.S.T. troopers are all you have to know is there the best of the best in the military. A weight goes falling to the floor and one of the O.D.S.T. troopers come after john he quickly get himself into a defensive position. When an Admiral makes him step into the ring and fights he ends up killing or dame near close too killing all three guys. They were quickly sent on there first real mission and passed with out anyone dieing John was shoot once but he fought threw the pain and made sure the mission was finished. He was giving a purple heart for actions. The next chapter there given there MJOLNIR IV armor this is what they were created for no one had enough speed and power and a trough body to use the armorer except for the Spartan's. It comes at a cost because the group was being chased by a convent ship when they decided bored the ship to find out more on the enemy and to destroy the ship. Sam who was one of John's closes friends was shot and stayed back so the others could make it out then both he and the ship was destroyed. The war was into full bloom and the Spartan's…show more content…
They called in the Spartans to rescue civilians and active members still alive and to also kill all covenant forces. John and his team did just that almost flawless but the ran into a bit of trouble when inside of a museum the discovered to hunter's and pinned them behind a bolder. It took all of johns strength and the other Spartan's with him to defect the two also James another spartan messed up his arm during the battle. They had won the battle but this is the moment when the truly loss something much more the plant reach. The convent was in a museum trying to learn about the human's so that they can learn where there headquarters were so the could destroy them. The convent ended up pinning a tracking device onto the admirable ship and tracking it back to
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