Gun Control Research Paper Topics

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Hazim Evans Research Paper Ms. Bodnio 5/6/10 Recently in todays’ society gun control has become a very relevant topic on how to reform America’s gun laws and ways to control the gun industry. We live in a word today where media ecology influence has shaped our communication pattern in every action and behavior we present. The media shapes the conversation on gun control through many mediums and places a view on gun control which persuades us to agree or disagree leaving us not to not think for ourselves resulting in shaping our conversation on gun control. In this paper we will discuss how the ecology of the media influences our conversation of gun control for the better and for the worse. Also, how the multiple mediums have cost great…show more content…
The stalemate battle between our government’s duty to uphold the constitution and the freedoms of the American people and the safety of the American people. Though our forefathers who built this land gave Americans the right to bear arms. David E. Vandercov stated “A well-regulated Militia, be necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep bear arms, shall not be infringed”. The American people have the right to conceal and own weapons. But due to recent events and the advancement of artillery that the public can get their hands on have left the public wondering is it safe to conceal weapons for those who job or involved in military don’t require them to do so. Also, due to the newton school shootings and the theater shootings this is definitely a time for reform. But it won’t be easy. The New York times article “ the rugged road to gun control” where they discuss the hurdles and trials and tribulations in the upcoming attempts for gun reform. Those who support the bill to expand background checks and ban assault weapons in congress are worried about the amendment process of getting through to some states. Due to the Newton school shootings Obama and his administration has picked up momentum of gun…show more content…
Obama say in regard to the newton school shootings with much passion in advocating gun reform states “That’s not what we are or who we are as a nation. And I want to make sure every American is listening
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