Grasha and Reichmann Style of Learning

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Grasha and Sheryl Reichman made the Grasha- Reichmann Learning Style Scales (GRLSS). Their mission was to observe college student’s styles of classroom participation. Focuses on attitudes towards learning, classroom activities, teachers and peers. Most styles of learning may focus on the academic achievement of a certain person but GRLS focuses on the attitudes. They figured out six different styles of learners that fall under the GRLS such as avoidant, independent, dependent, collaborative, competitive, and participant. Avoidant students tend to have the lower grades of the class because of their absenteeism and lack of organization. They also take little responsibility for their learning. Participative students relate well with others and take great responsibility for their self-learning. Competitive students are described as suspicious of their peers leading to competition for rewards and recognition. Collaborative students enjoy working in harmony with others. They collaborate well with peers to the point where they bring out the best in them. Dependent students become frustrated easily when facing a new challenge not directly addressed in the classroom. Independent students prefer to work alone than with peers. They are able to solve their problems with little or no help at all. The teacher must find ways to deal with the many learning styles of students. Although college teacher’s usually have their own style of teaching and stick to it regardless of the student’s progress. But to the teacher’s who do try to fit the individual needs, they must be able to adapt their lessons to the learning styles. When dealing with avoidant learners it may difficult to keep up with them. This are usually the beginning college students, the teacher should wait until the student is fully adapted to the college life. Soon the student will realize the slack will affect his/her

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