Gm 583 Case Srudt

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Quality at the Ritz-Carlton Quality at Ritz Carlton Hotel Company The Ritz has long been associated with superior quality. In 1992 they won the Malcolm Baldridge award. I am sure you all have experience with both good and not so good service at hotels or motels. Think about the impact that those experience have made! Review this Video Case and in consideration of your experience, this week's discussions and text book material then respond to the following questions: 1. Describe and analyze how the Mission and Strategy of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company has been translated into an "operating" methodology? Specifically how have these strategies and tactics been used to produce a quality environment? Be specific. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel has translated their mission into operating methodology by ensuring that each employee has a buy in to the overall goals of the company. Each employee believes that the comfort and care of their guest is the top mission of the company. The Ritz-Carlton’s staff believes that they should and will be able to service the unspoken wants, desires and needs of all of their guest. This will set them apart from the average run of the mill hotel. The Ritz Carleton believes in “total quality management”. 2. Good quality is espoused by high level management many organizations. What actions might you expect from a company that intends to make good on this promise? What has the Ritz done? Hint: Deming may have spoken to this very issue. The Ritz Carlton has engaged all of its employees to be a part of the total quality management project. In order to be the best at quality service, then all of their employees had to be involved. 3. It has been said that "Quality is Free". Why might it cost the Ritz-Carlton less to "do things right" the first time? What is the cost of quality? Consider that there may be non-financial measure

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