Portman Ritz Essay

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Success at the Portman Ritz Carlton, Shanghai did not happen overnight. The Asia Hotel industry suffers as a whole for a few reasons, reasons which also plagued The Portman Ritz Carlton. First is employee turnover, which in Asia hotel markets sometimes ranges over 30%. The second issue is guest satisfaction, which is a direct effect of employee turnover. And the third are occupancy rates, which is critical to the financial performance of any hotel in any market across the world. The Portman Ritz Carlton suffered from these factors, which led them to make major changes, most notably to upper management to try and turn the hotel around. Ritz Carlton brought in Mark DeCocinis, a 20 year veteran in the Hotel business and a successful general manage with Ritz Carlton, to turn the hotel around. Mark DeCoconis, with his leadership skills and his people are what turned the Ritz Shanghai to an award winning establishment. The main source behind the turnaround and continued success of the hotel starts with business and talent requirements of the hotel. This is all centered on the hotels mission. “To provide the finest personal service and facilities to our guests who will always enjoy a warm, relaxed yet refined ambience.” In Mark’s view this can only be carried out by employees, who need to be satisfied and engaged in their work. The three goals of the organization are financial results, customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction. The success of the hotel depended upon these three things working in perfect harmony together. Mark placed major focus on the people aspect in order to yield the results he wanted at every angle. Placing emphasis on people led the hotel to focus on hiring individuals that shared the same values. People who care and respect others, who smile naturally, who seek a long term relationship and those who have talent for the job. The

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