Glt2 Task 1

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Part A Nutrition and Diet To stay healthy our body needs a diet of nutrients found within foods. Macronutrients Carbohydrates Split into simple sugar molecules and complex starch and fibre. Proteins These ensure body growth and repair. And found richly in meats, fish and dairy products. Fat This helps provide energy and supports the immune system. Divided into saturated animal fat and unsaturated plant type. Micronutrients Vitamins Small amounts of these two categories are needed. Fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K Water soluble vitamins C and B Minerals Small amounts needed also for bones and teeth, and general bodily processes. Part B Question 1 Describe some biological factors that are influences on health of the…show more content…
From Asthma to Heart disease and Obesity. There has been much research that strongly suggests a genetic link to simple and complex health issues. And indeed our adult health may be pre-destined as we began our journey from that first…show more content…
Heart disease and Obesity, that can be inherited or self- inflicted. Ultimately we have to take responsibility for our own health, and our lifestyle choices. Task 2 I feel that once I have received feedback from my tutor, I can then answer if I found it an easy assignment. For my part, and for as many people I am sure, there is more enjoyment in reading subjects that we find interesting or indeed “close to our heart”. I have always struggled with composition and comprehension, but I feel that with my excellent tutors help and assistance I can overcome any teething problems that surface following this submission. In terms of self-help, I felt I should with hind-sight having read the chapters relating to the assignments, have made more notes in the margin and highlighted more important subject matter as I progressed through the study material, I feel this would have made it much easier to assemble the relevant information to help produce a more structured essay. I look forward to the feed-back for future
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