Gang Violence: Why Do Young Teens Join Gangs?

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Gangs Gangs are neither just a big city nor inner city problem nor are they a problem to a particular race or culture. Gangs cross all ethic, racial, gender and geographic boundaries. Gangs bring fear and violence to neighborhoods, drug trafficking, destroying properties, involving youth in crimes and violence. Gangs are so strong that they pull many teens from school and home into the life of violence. Gangs are usually made up of a group of people who share a common identity who work together to organize format and establish a new gang. Gangs are a violent reality that people have to deal with on an everyday bases in many cities. What has made gangs come about? Why do young teens feel that by being in a gang is both “cool” and acceptable? Young teens today join gangs due to the peer pressure of their peers, and for attention. I believe that humans are influenced into gangs by society such as in media, the government, movies, drugs and the main one our economic system. All my questions where answered after attending “Fresno speaking out against Gangs” and being able to listen to former members of gangs. The panelists told us life stories…show more content…
Growing up he stated that always saw domestic violence going on around his house his father hitting his mother or his father him and his brothers. By not receive the attention needed by his parents Brian decided to join a gang. While in gang I experience things that I never expected myself to experience as a young adult said Brian I experienced drug use, killings, robberies everything you could ever imagine I’ve done just for the attention said Brian. Brain has been out of the gang for twelve years now and now focuses his work in the Southwest Fresno area providing gang prevention and intervention programs to youth and adults throughout the

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