Frankenstein Faustian Bargain

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In Mary Shelley’s tragedy Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein indulges his desire to create new life out of dead matter by entering a “Faustian Bargain”. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines the term “Faustian“ in ”Faustian Bargain” as made or done for present gain without regard for future cost or consequences (as related to the legend of Faust, who was a fictional magician who enters a compact with the devil in order to gain knowledge at the expense of his soul). Victor Frankenstein undertakes a “Faustian Bargain” because at first he yearns for the “present gain” of knowledge and ability when creating the monster, but only does so due to his obliviousness of the future consequences, and soon after completing the project regrets even embarking on it. This is clear when comparing and contrasting Frankenstein’s thought process and actions before and after his creation is born. While in the process of creating the monster, Frankenstein is both completely obsessed with his project, and, does not consider the consequences before it is alive. As soon as he becomes “capable of bestowing animation upon lifeless matter,” (53) Frankenstein explains how it “was the most gratifying consummation… to arrive at the summit of [his] desires” (53). Immediately, he begins work, and “[seemed] to have lost all [of his] soul or sensation but for this one pursuit” (55). Frankenstein “could not tear [his] thoughts from [his] employment” (56) and “pursued [his] undertaking with remitting ardor” (55). Even though Frankenstein feels that his “human nature [did] turn with loathing from [his] occupation” (55) as he is creating the being, he continues on with an “unnatural stimulus” (55). Frankenstein realizes that there must be some issues with his plan, but never takes the time to stop and think about the possible outcomes of his plan. Because Frankenstein chooses to ignore his own gut
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