Figurative Meaning In Frankenstein

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Victor is the Real Monster Usually when one is reading famous works of literature, everything that one is reading may not be the real meaning. There has always been a divide in literature between the literal words, and the figurative meaning of those words. In most cases, the figurative meaning is more important seeing as how it is the author’s direct reference to a certain theme that they are trying to get across. Often times as well, characters may not seem what they turn out to be. They may seem destructive on the outside, but there may be an internal device causing an obstruction to their behavior. As humans, we tend to define something or someone as a monster by their physical appearances. In Frankenstein, Victor's creation is characterized…show more content…
You purpose to kill me. How dare you sport thus with life? Do your duty towards me, and I will do mine towards you and the rest of mankind” (86). The monster is asking Frankenstein to take a little bit of responsibility for him. This is really all the monster wants, and technically, it is Frankenstein’s duty to do so. An example of this is when humans want to reproduce and have children. As being the children's creator, they must provide for them and the accept the responsibility of caring for their children. The monster makes a bargain with him saying that he will leave forever if Victor provides a female equally hideous. At first, Victor says no, however, after hearing the monster's explanation of having a companion, he agrees. However, halfway through the second creation process, Victor changes his mind yet again and destroys the second monster before he gets a chance to put life into it. Victor’s reasoning is logical, but this decision doesn't make the situation better. The monster retaliates by saying, “Shall each man find a wife for his bosom, and each beast have his mate, and I be alone? I had feelings of affection, and they were…show more content…
This causes Victor to go into an extreme depression and eventually causes him to also go after the monster with a vengeance, allowing him to cross paths with Walton. Victor’s selfishness does not cease despite his health degrading in the novel. Instead of turning around, and leaving the situation, Victor is determined to keep going.
 The reason Victor is the monster is because he has no respect for the monster as a sentient being and only seems to care about himself. He is the prime example of a character that is easy to sympathize with or feel sorry for; however, the monster deserves a lot more sympathy than Victor does. Victor in a sense is the counterpart to the monster; he is surrounded by people who love him and cherish his company and thoughts. The monster on the other hand has no one to talk to, and is rejected by all even if though his heart is passionate. It is as the saying, ‘do not judge a book by its cover’,with the monster it is this way. He seems to be a very intelligent being, though he may be a little immature, this is all Victor’s doing. The only blame that Victor may place on is himself, because had he not strived for
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