Foundation Phase Framework For Children's Learning Essay

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CCLD LEVEL 3 Unit 22 Outcome 3 Number 1 Foundation Phase Framework for Children’s Learning for 3 to 7-year-olds in Wales, Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills. The statutory Areas of Learning in the Foundation Phase are: • Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity • Language, Literacy and Communication Skills • Mathematical Development • Welsh Language Development • Knowledge and Understanding of the World • Physical Development • Creative Development. For each Area of Learning the educational programme sets out what children should be taught and the outcomes set out the expected standards of children’s performance. Including all children under the requirements…show more content…
The Foundation Phase Outcomes describe the type and range of achievements characteristic of children within the Foundation Phase. In deciding a child’s outcome at the end of the Foundation Phase, teachers should judge which description best fits the child’s performance. Each description should be considered in conjunction with the description for adjacent outcomes. The aim is for rounded judgement that: •is based on knowledge of how the child performs across a range of contexts • takes into account the different strengths and weaknesses of that child’s performance • is checked against adjacent outcomes to ensure that the outcome awarded is the closest match to the child’s performance. Personal and Social Development, Well-Being and Cultural Diversity Outcomes Foundation Phase Outcome 1 Children are dependent on familiar adults emotionally. They have started to express in simple terms how they feel and respond to social greetings. Children may have a tantrum when frustrated but are learning that some behaviour is unacceptable. They have begun to role play on their own or in parallel with other children, often near a familiar adult. Children may need assistance with everyday self-help (personal) skills but are usually keen to help. They show knowledge of familiar care
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