Foreign Language Acquisition

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The Acquisition of a Foreign Language Through using Total Immersion methodology for Children Under Six Years Old During the first six months of a child’s life, they make around seventy different sounds (De Villiers, 2001). These sounds make up the phonetics of all the six thousand languages worldwide. They use these sounds when starting to talk and form words. The brain then discards the noises not used in the language they absorb from their environment, parents or carers. Parents play a huge part in forming a child’s language. Even if we are “preprogrammed” in some way to communicate verbally, we need to learn a specific language from the people around us. Mothers typically adjust their speech to fit the child’s level. These are called…show more content…
Information collected in situations that are similar to those in which it is acquired. This is because when we learn something our memories also record something about the context and the way in which it was learnt. There are two ways of developing language ability: the first by acquisition alternatively by learning. Acquisition is a sub-conscious process, for example a child learning its own language or an adult 'picking up' a second language simply by living and working in a foreign country. Learning is the conscious process of developing a foreign language focusing on grammatical structure and features of the language through language lessons. According to Krashen (2009), a taught language cannot be turned into acquisition. It is pointless spending a lot of time learning grammar rules, since this will not help us become better users of the language in authentic situations. At most, the knowledge we gain about the language will help us in direct tests of that knowledge or in situations when we have time to self-correct, as in the editing of a piece of writing (Krashen, 2009). Cognitive development starts from the social context a child is immersed in, then becomes internalised. Research shows that cognitive development is more likely to occur through problem solving than deliberate study this also applies to the acquisition of concepts and facts. Learning is the result of solving real problems, and not from learning how to solve a problem (Krashen, 2003). Rather that discreet skill building Krashen’s (2003) theory of cognitive development is based on a holistic paradigm, at its core a belief that engaging students in authentic and complex tasks are most affective when learning a new language. The hypothesis that we develop new cognitive structures and long-term memory by
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