Food Journal Analysis Paper

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Food Journal Analysis In this paper I am required to take note of everything you eat for a whole day, what then is required to follow. Filling the table on page enuentra nutrition of the GOVERNMENT of the CNPP and following this table according to the protein intake was high. According to the data signal input which is not comparable with the requirements, so I can understand that I am at a level not so satisfactory for my health. We know that proteins are those that occupy the place of greatest importance among the molecules that make up human beings. According to some experts say that these are important, because virtually all biological processes depend on the presence or attitude of such substances. Many of which depend upon or benefit…show more content…
A curious fact is that since World War II deficiency is known to lower resistance to fatigue of the soldiers, has been shown to improve the conditioning to heat. In contrast, the B12 functions as a coenzyme in the metabolism of nucleic acid and thus influence protein synthesis. An interesting detail is that cyclists and anaerobic athletes take this vitamin in the belief that reduces muscle pain during exercise…show more content…
As we all know everything in Eces hurt and missing metabolism or enters slowly decays as well as other body functions. Since not reach 100% as calculated by the CNPP, the thought that my consumption was too short, but had a high index in protein at the same time. But if I complete the minimum requirement set. On the other hand, the fruits were the factor that the fibers need not reach, due to little or no use of them. The alternative would be for taking adequate amounts according instructed by the board, I would increase the fruits. In several of these foods if there was use of beans. However, as any process that always loses originality, decide to take the fruit juice instead of consuming naturally loses some of that fiber breaks to change shape and temperature. Besides the calories would be more due to the additions of preservatives, colorings and flavor
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