Food Fashion & Its Impact

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The History of Man’s Eating Habits Historians are agreed in stating that although man is omnivorous, he has been essentially carnivorous for millions of years. From the beginning and up to the Neolithic Period, approximately 10 000 years ago, man was a migrant who lived by hunting and picking wild fruit and vegetables and his diet was basically made up of protein & fats,carbohydrates with low Glycemic Indexes and high fiber content. Most authors agree on the fact that our ancestors also ate vegetables and undoubtedly, from time to time, wild cereal. These vegetables also fell into the category of carbohydrates with very low Glycemic Indexes. But now days people prefer for junk foods which is quickly prepared and served and has less nutrition and some are hazardous to health. Therefore it creates deficiency of vitamins in our body and causes diseases. REASON FOR PREFERING FASTFOOD OR JUNK FOOD As on Dec. 2, 2008 -- Fast food lives up to its name in a new study of people who frequently eat at fast-food restaurants. Nearly 600 adults and teens were interviewed for the study in 2005-2006. Most reported eating fast food at least three times per week.. Here are their top reasons for eating fast-food meals, according to the percentages of people who agreed with each statement: 1. They're quick: 92.3% 2. They're easy to get : 80.1% 3. I like the taste of fast food: 69.2% 4. They're inexpensive: 63.6% 5. I'm too busy to cook: 53.2% 6. It's a "treat" for myself: 50.1% 7. I don't like to prepare foods myself: 44.3% 8. It is a way of socializing with friends and family: 33.1% 9. They're fun and entertaining: 11.7% Eating Junk Food Is Not Good and its impact 1.Obesity Junk food plays a major role in the obesity epidemic. By the year 2050, the rate of obesity in the U.S. is expected to reach 42 percent, according to researchers

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