Finding Confidence in Myself

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Finding Confidence in Myself Why do most people struggle with self-confidence? Many people lack self-confidence and sell themselves short of what they are capable of. This can create a belief in oneself that one isn’t good enough. A lot of times society influences us to become something that we are not in order to fit in. If we aren’t being true to ourselves or our beliefs we may start to lose a sense of ourselves. When I was 15 years old, I won the chance to publish a poem I had written, and helped me to overcome my lack of confidence in myself, which in turn helped me to believe in myself and my abilities. I began struggling with self-confidence around the age of 12. Right around this time my anxiety skyrocketed. I had started to feel excluded in school and became very self-conscious. I became aware of every move I made and had difficulty getting up from my seat to ask the teacher a question or even to use the bathroom. I struggled doing anything that would make me stand out in any way, shape, or form. I hardly talked to anyone outside of my family during this time. Eventually, by the time I turned 14, I was able to slowly start coming out of my shell. I made a few friends that supported me and helped me when I was experiencing a lot of anxiety. There was this one time that I was so scared to go up and give a speech. Then my friend Shelby came up with me and I was able to get through it. Even though I had help from my friends at this time, I was dealing with a huge amount of perfectionism. No matter how many times I edited or changed something, I had trouble accepting it as it was. This created a dilemma in school. Since I felt that none of my work was “perfect” I began procrastinating and turning it in fairly late. My grades began dropping and I started feeling like I wasn’t good enough. During this time I also began writing poetry. While writing
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