Film Analysis: Waiting For Superman

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In the film Waiting for Superman, the filmmakers investigate schools where there are low expectations of student achievement. Some of the social factors seen in the film that contribute to non-functioning educational environments are Income, school location, neighborhood.. It seems that families in poverty or with low incomes are not interested in learning. They feel like they have been hit with the short end of the stick. The schools are generally over crowded with few good teachers. When there's a great public school there is not enough space for every child in the neighborhood. Children are stuck in low achieving schools because of how the school districts are divided. A lot of children end up in poor public schools because their parents do not possess the income that it takes to send them to a private school. Since 1971 education cost has increased from $4,300 to more than $9,000 per student. As seen in Bianca's case, her mother cannot afford to pay for her tuition and Daisy's father is unemployed. These kids are forced into "bad education." Some students do not have any aspirations. They live in a neighborhood full of crime therefore their main focus is survival instead of learning. Minority kids between 5th and 7th grade go from being B students to D students. As they get older their grades drop so they feel like they are not going anywhere. Sixty eight percent of inmates in Pennsylvania are high school dropouts. The average inmates sentence of 4 years cost $132,000. The average education cost over 13 years is $117,000. With better education we may be saving the tax payers some money. Children in these neighborhoods are screaming for someone to save them. For some, education is that hero but in America it's failing thousands of children. The filmmakers hold faculty (educators, superintendent, principal), government and teachers unions responsible for the

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