High School Non-Profit Organization Training Programs

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Each year, near to one-third of high school students drops out and do not finish their high school studies. The drop- out rates for minority students, students from low-income families, disable students and students from illegal immigrants are increasing rapidly each year. This problem is not only affecting the nucleus of the family, but it is a wide problem that the schools and the communities are facing. Our community must realize that this is a community wide problem that affects everyone. We are a community base non-profit organization. Our organization has been providing services to the community since 1981, the organization…show more content…
The organization wants to implement the new program been its main purpose to give high school dropouts the necessary skills to be able to attain better employment opportunities. It is obvious to everyone that the crime rate among High school dropouts it is much higher in the United States. This special population practicable is very likely to receive public assistance and become parents than those who complete high school. The cost to the citizens for these crime and welfare recipients is very high close to $200 billion annually. High school dropouts do not realize that they will earn a lower salary that a high school graduate and a much lower than a college graduate. A survey conducted by the Pew Partnership for Civic Change in 2003 found that 93 percent of literacy workers said they could use more volunteers to help people learn to read, 75 percent of public educators said they could use more volunteers to work in classrooms and 60 percent of…show more content…
One last challenge will be the development of an appraisal reward system, which needs to be design in an effective way so that all staff can be maintain to be motivate to perform their duties at an high quality level. The purpose of a performance appraisal system is indispensable to achieve effective management within an organization. Appraisals provide assistance to develop the staff, improve organizational performance and achieve the planned goals for the organization. Formal performance appraisals can be provide quarterly, semi-annually, annually or in a monthly basis. The main purpose of a performance appraisal system is to motivate employees to produce more and good quality work. Performance appraisal can be a necessary element for career development. Defining employees performance targets can also benefit an organization. They will ensure all employees understand what the organization expect of them. By

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