Research Paper On Bolivia

615 Words3 Pages
Bolivia Residing in the heart of South America, Bolivia is the fifth largest country on the continent; right around one and a half times the size of Texas. The topography of the land goes from extreme to extreme with the rainforest to the north, foothills and farmlands on the east, snow covered mountains to the west, and salt deserts in the south. Not only is the environment strikingly different in these regions, but so are the cultures of the people. Under one nation, however, the people face similar problems. My research will touch on the infamously instable government, the lack of education Bolivians receive, and also the rising drug problem the country is facing. Bolivia’s government is set up much like that of the United States’. The constitutional republic has an elected president and his personally appointed cabinet. Bolivia’s government is however infamous for its instability. Bolivia is the poorest country in South America according to Countries and Cultures. (Ember and Ember) This leaves its frustrated population in…show more content…
The student to teacher ratio for primary schools in Bolivia is 22 to one among the 14, 504 primary schools, however about one in seven children do not complete it. In 2004, according to The Statesman’s Yearbook the Politics, Cultures and Economies of the World, (Turner, pg. 216) the rate of attendance for primary education was 79.5% in 2004. Children in rural places have it much harder than those in urban areas. Many schools don’t have bilingual education, which causes many students to drop out. Another cause of students dropping out if the poor economy, because many parents need their children to work as well to make ends meet. In 2005, the country had ten universities, two technical universities, one Roman Catholic university, and one musical conservatory Along with them are several trade schools designed to train its students for specific jobs. The percentage of literate adults is
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