failing school Essay

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In society today people are getting lazier and procrastinate more than they have in the past. People getting lazier could cause a student to fail a course and perhaps not graduate. However, if people put time and effort into a class, it would not be as hard to pass. People that do not put a lot of work into a class should expect to fail or leave the class with a bad grade. Students might fail a course because they never study or do their homework, don’t go to class, and have problems with their teacher. People that do not study or do their homework are not trying hard to pass the course. The main reasons why they might not do their homework is that they are lazy or do not know time management and forget to do their work. Perhaps their parents never taught them how to take on their own responsibilities. In college, some people might party too much during the week and forget to do their homework or are too tired to work on it. Another reason why people might not do their homework is when people stay up all night playing video games and do not make time for school work. Most people do not realize how important homework is. People that do their homework are preparing themselves for the tests more by going over the material again and re-teaching themselves. Another reason why people might not do their homework is because they might not understand the material being taught. The second reason why people might fail a course is because they do not go to class. The most common reason people skip class is because they oversleep. Some teachers count attendance as a daily grade, therefore, the people that do not go to class will have points taken off unlike the people that do go to class. Another reason people might not go to class is because they went to a party the night before and now are too tired or have a hangover. People’s alarms might go off or they might just
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