Explaining and Reflecting on the Development of Peer Relationships

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Explaining and Reflecting on the Development of Peer Relationships As I explain and reflect upon the development of peer relationships I am first going to discuss what I believe is the foundation for peer relationships… Attachments. Then move on to discuss aspects of these relationships and lightly talk about socialization’s role. One of the most vital aspects of development is a child’s attachment to their parents. Attachment is a connection or bond with a particular person. This type of bond is critical to an infant's development. Immediately upon being born, attachment is increased by a fulfilling and mutual interaction among parent and child throughout the early months of life, also referred to as bonding. Usually towards the nearing of a child’s first year of life, most children have developed some kind of attachment, normally, but not exclusively, with the primary caregiver. When caregivers can adapt to, meet the needs, and provide nurturing to their child, the attachment is secure. On the other hand, if a parent is unable to properly cope with the child’s needs for care there is a risk of developing a non-secure attachment. Around the age of six or seven months, stronger sensations of attachment will enable a child to distinguish between strange people and caregivers. The child will start to display a recognizable preference to their parents over unfamiliar people or other caregivers. Demonstrated by clinging, crying, or turning/hiding away from strangers, anxiety is can be seen when the child is separated from their parents. Although this can be quite stressful for parents, it is a normal for stranger anxiety to occur and is a sign of a secure attachment. After a temporary absence usually, children with a secure attachment when reunited with their caregivers are happy and joyful.

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