Explain The Role Of Professional Supervision In Health And Social Care

2021 Words9 Pages
Develop professional supervision practice in health and social care of children and young people’s work settings Key messages for supervisors Being a supervisor is a significant responsibility and one which needs to be taken seriously. Your organisation and the individuals you supervise expect you to provide supervision that is: • Based on a written agreement or contract • Planned well in advance and only changed in exceptional circumstances • Well-structured, allowing both you and the individual to contribute to the agenda • Provided in an appropriate setting and free of interruptions • Inclusive of all the functions outlined in the unit of competence • Properly and promptly recorded, with notes copied to the individual.…show more content…
As a supervisor, you need to be able to listen not just to the content of what is being said, but also to the way it is being said and the feelings behind that. As a professional supervisor, you can be an important role model of good practice in communication, enabling the member of staff to express their thoughts and to feel that they too are being listened to and understood. The aim of professional supervision is to help the member of staff learn about and develop their own practice in the workplace. As they do this, they will become better able to understand and reflect on their work, analyse their actions and the effects of these, recognise some of the dynamics of relationships and situations, and transfer their learning to new situations and professional contexts. Your job as a supervisor involves helping the student/trainees to think about how they learn and providing opportunities in supervision that will help them extend their learning. “Right from the beginning the approach needs to be one that is participatory, interactive and developing the supervisee's own understanding and
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