Explain How To Communicate In Health And Social Care

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Unit 1: Introduction to Communicate in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings Question one, 1.1 The different reasons why people communicate. We communicate for a wide variety of reasons, our survival and success has been dependant on our ability to communicate. Communication plays an important part in our survival. In the beginning of human life a baby can cry or scream when it is hungry, this is a form of communication. We also like to share our ideas with one another through communication. By doing this each generation has improved from their last generation’s ideas and work. We can verbally reassure someone through communication and make them feel accepted…show more content…
there could be something to do with the physical environment or something to do with their circumstances and background . I could be creating a barrier by making it difficult for the person to understand what I am saying. I may have a different accent or speek in a different dialect to the person I am communicating with which could cause a barrier. The use of jargon within the presence of a Service User could cause a barrier as they may not understand technical language that is used amongst Care Workers. Nurses and doctors. If a Care Worker uses slang this could cause problems as the Service User may not be familiar due to their age or cultural background and words could be misinterpreted .If someone has a sensory impairment they cannot receive or pass information which would cause a communication barrier, these are commonly sight and hearing impairments. There could be a language barrier which could make communication difficult and frustrating. Communication can be affected by the environment and surroundings a person lives in. Someone who does not see very well and relies on non verbal communication will not benefit if the room is poorly lit. As with someone with a hearing impairment will struggle to communicate if there is background noise such as radio or television or other people

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