Qcf - Autism Unit 28

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Unit 28 – Introduction to Autism 1. Individual's with autism may experience different types of difficulty with language and communication. This presents itself by individual's not understanding tone and body language and not being able to pick up on subtleties in conversation such as gesture's or facial expression. Other difficulties could also come from distractions in the immediate area such as passing traffic or other external factors. Individual's on the autistic spectrum may struggle with relationship's and social interaction due to difficulties with communication. It would make it difficult for relationship's to work if there is a lack of understanding each other due to the break down in communication. There may be some problems concerning an individual's preference in activities and interests. This is mainly due to a condition that some individual's on the autistic spectrum can find difficulty in which is social creativity, one of the triad of impairments that define ASC. This can cause some restrictions and inflexibility due to the individual in some cases not being able to fully comprehend the transcendence of traditional idea's, rules, pattern's, etc. 2. It is important to recognise that each person on the autistic spectrum condition has their own choices, preference's and individuality. This is important because although they are all on the same spectrum they are still people with their own abilities and strengths, etc and we should help them to express themselves and celebrate their differences otherwise there is a potential of there being a “lumped into the same pot” mentality and of stereotypes and prejudices being made. Autism can be considered a spectrum condition due to the range of functioning on the spectrum. This is categorised from low functioning to high functioning, lower functioning usually be called “classic autism” and

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