False Memory Is Inaccurate Information

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Researchers today have found more detailed information about the brain and its activity. Memories are important to shape individuals life. There are instances in life where individuals can reshape their memories, which in fact can ultimately change their perspective or belief of what actually occurred. In the article, Loftus mainly discusses and focuses on how memories are not always completely accurate. Loftus reveals several examples where people have been through incidents where their memory has failed to tell the truth. The experiment show how awful the results can be if the individual exposes inaccurate information. Loftus also demonstrates how memory is prone to error and that individuals can occasionally make errors in what they remember. One reason error occurs is that individual are having problems retrieving and storing information correctly. This mainly occurs because people do not pay close enough attention to the details around them. Loftus article illustrates information about different types of memory incidences that can typically lead to falsification. For example, scrambled memories occur when people mistake details when they are retrieving a certain story. This becomes a problem because people will make add or remove information that…show more content…
Many false memories involve confusing or mixing fragments of memory events, some of which may have happened at different times but which are remembered as occurring together. Loftus describes one experiment that demonstrates false memories can be implanted through fake photographs. In this study, individuals were presented with altered photographs of situations that they had not experienced. When they were brought back for a memory recall test, 50% of the individuals reported that they had, in fact, experienced the event, demonstrating that false memories can be implanted by simply presenting a falsified visual

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