Example Of An Interdependent Goal

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Listening barriers 1.physical- misconceptions, hearing aids, loss of hearing. outside noise, inside noise causes distractions and takes away from listening, can control in some way 2.personal- when you are tired, have a headache, finances cause stress, reduces listening skills, children are clinging and annoying. someone you are in competition with, personal appearance. 3.gender-most men pay little attention to what female says, men make more money, men interrupt more, women use more speech tags, men use competitive language 4.semantic- meaning of words, words we use in certain contexts change the meaning of the word as people interpret words differently. homonyms – hear-here see-sea read-red word: set- tennis set set hair set table Denotation-what the word actually means Connotation- what you think the word means Stages of listening 1.sensing stage- focusing on what is being said rather than other things going on in our lives 2.interpreting stage-understanding what the speaker is trying to communicate 3.evaluating- sorting and classifying the information you are hearing 4.responding- acting on the message to the speaker 5.memory-using your experience to relate Listening takes effort and requires a response Hearing act of perceiving the sound by ear Nonverbal communication- everything but the words expression and body language movement, eye contact, gestures, personal appearance, distance and space Formal everything you do has a reason informal something we do and cannot explain Proxemics- distance and space 1.public space-classroom setting 2.social distance-seating at a table (home or restaurant) 3.personal distance-your comfortable space around others 4.intimate distance- 18-21inches close to you Trust - high-high performance low-low

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