Dandy Walker Syndrome

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Sam’ is a 9-year-old boy in 3rd class and was born with Dandy Walker syndrome and hydrocephalus. Dandy Walker syndrome is a brain deformity present at birth consisting of a deformity involving an area in the back of the brain that controls movement and cognitive learning. In many cases, there is also an abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricles of the vein. The majority of those with Dandy Walker Syndrome are diagnosed in their first year of life as a result of the commonly associated hydrocephalus. Sam’s diagnosis of Dandy-Walker Syndrome is a congenital condition; his older brother of two years has the same diagnosis. He has very an extremely loving and supporting family, who work very hard on his progress and they co-operate with all staff at school in helping him cope with his needs. Symptoms of Dandy-Walker syndrome often occur in infancy, but can also occur in older children. Eighty percent of cases are diagnosed within the first year of life. Symptoms may include: · Abnormal breathing · Bulging of the back of the skull · Convulsions · Impaired development of normal speech and language · Increased head circumference · Irritability · Jerky eye movements · Lack of muscle coordination · Problems with the nerves that control the eyes, face, and neck · Slow motor development · Unsteadiness · Vomiting Children with this condition may have problems with other organs, including heart malformations, kidney and urinary tract abnormalities, cleft lip , and extra digits. Sam’s inability of clear speech curtails his friendship with some of his classmates. Sometimes they cannot understand him and he then becomes angry. We encourage the use of Lámh in the classroom whenever possible. Sam’s affected a lot at school he has coordination problems with both fine and gross motor skills that affect both his schoolwork

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