Everyone Needs Exercising

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Everyone Needs to Exercise How many times do you exercise? Do you exercise at all? According to “Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” 19 % of high school students are physically active more than 20 minutes a day. There are 25% of adults who are not active at all. A few people do not know how important it is to exercise at least 3-5 days a week (Mancouch). People should exercise every day because it helps keep a healthy lifestyle. Exercising helps prevent people from diseases. Regular exercise is necessary for physical fitness and good health. It helps tone muscles and helps joints from being stiff, and easily injured. It reduces the risk of heart diseases and cancer. Exercising helps prevent certain cancers, like colon and prostate cancer. It can also lower blood pressure and High-density lipoprotein (HDL) (Tesch). Did you know it can also help manage or prevent diabetes? Diabetes can occur when someone does not have a proper exercise. Did you know exercise benefits every part of the body especially the mind? Exercising causes the body to produce endorphins, chemicals that can help a person to feel more peaceful and happy. These endorphins can help to change your mood and reduce pain (Tesch). Moderate to intense exercise can also help to reduce stress. It increases mental focus (Senecal). Exercise can help some people sleep better. It improves the quality of your life (“Why Is Exercise Important?”). It can also help some people who have mild depression and low self-esteem. Did you know that exercising can reduce anxiety? It can also increase sleep. Exercising also has physical advantages. One main physical advantage of exercise that people may be looking for is weight loss. It helps people lose weight properly. It helps improve stamina. Many people exercise to strengthen and tone their muscles. Exercising can help people look better. Many people that

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