Multiple Sclerosis Exercise

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Treating Multiple Sclerosis with Exercise Abstract Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a progressive disease affecting the central nervous system, making up the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. MS is a chronic disease and is often disabling; hindering patients’ ability to live a pain free, active life. Symptoms are sporadic and can either be mild or severe and vary widely with each person. There is currently not a cure for multiple sclerosis, but strategies and medications that alleviate symptoms associated with this disease. Although there are diverse studies/medical opinions on what is most effective in terms of treatment, exercise is one most preferred for MS patients. It is critical to improve patients’ physical function, including walking…show more content…
They could range from mild, moderate to severe. Some of these symptoms include fatigue, incoordination, spasticity, sensory loss and numbness, muscle weakness, cardiovascular dysautonomi, heat sensitivity, blurred vision, tremor, impaired sudomotor function, bladder dysfunction, cognitive or memory deficits and possible depression (Castellano, V. 2006). Most of the disability that is affiliated with multiple sclerosis is caused by the nerve fibers in the long pathways, like the pyramidal tract. This tract supplies the efferent and afferent signals to the legs and dorsal columns. With damage, it is not able to successfully send the signals, causing motor disability (Gutierrez, G. M. 2005). It is known that heat can trigger an increase for MS symptoms. Cold can also improve these symptoms. It does not take much, small variations can make a large impact (Gallien, P., Nicolas, B., Robineau, S., Pétrilli, S., Houedakor, J., & Durufle, A. 2007). Symptoms can be triggered by a slight increase in core body temperature. As little as 0.5° C can be the cause for this in many individuals with MS (Gutierrez, G. M.…show more content…
A good type is muscle contractions. Almost any type of exercise can be noted as resistance, such as, weight lighting, gymnastics, push-ups, pull-up, lunges etc. Resistance training benefits not only people with MS, but the average person as well. It is highly recommended to be put in the treatment plan for patients with MS. There has been no reported problems or experiences dealing with resistant training and MS patients (Garrett, M., & Coote, S. 2009). There are consistent findings that there is an improvement in muscle strength in both upper and lower extremities. It is also found that there is a decrease in the feeling of fatigue. This was done by the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (Dalgas, U., Stenager, E., & Ingemann-Hansen, T. 2008). It is also known that with a higher training intensity and training volume, comes great and faster improvements. If the MS patient can handle it, then the high intensity is recommended, but moderate intensity is well tolerated. Moderate intensity works well with improving muscle strength and functional measures with MS patients having moderate impairments (Garrett, M., & Coote, S. 2009). Resistance training is important for MS patients to practice. It improves their muscle strength, and the ability to perform their normal daily activities. It is also known to improve their psychosocial

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