Why Is Exercise Important for the College Students

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Why is Exercise important for the College Students? College is a very important and exciting period in your life. During these years you are going to experience a lot of new things, meet new friends who you will hopefully keep for life, and do a lot of the things that will help define who you are and more importantly, who you are going to be for the rest of your life. As with all big things in life however, with all the opportunities and chances that college offers, it also brings an element of risk, and no small amount of stress. Although hours of studying burn mental energy, both your body and mind need physical exercise to function at their peak. It is very important to exercise. Exercise is important because it can keep you in shape and will improve your health for the better. Many studies have shown that regular activities and exercise can improve someone’s overall health substantially. Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, and high blood pressure. Exercise can also help you to maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints. For all of these reasons it is important that you do some form of physical activity while you are in college. Exercise gives you confidence and a sense of control over your life. Here is a list of the benefits of exercise for college students. 1. Prevents weight gain- Exercising is the number one way to avoid gaining weight and that pesky “freshm The benefits of exercise for college students are limitless. Many students will find any excuse not to exercise; not enough time, too tired, or too embarrassed to go to the gym. However, the benefits of exercise far outweigh the negatives. Here is a list of the benefits of exercise for college students. 1. Prevents weight gain- Exercising is the number one way to avoid gaining weight and that pesky “freshman 15”. 2. Decreases stress- What college student

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