Ethical Lens Inventory Discoveries

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My Personal Ethics Statement: I believe that giving respect to everyone I come in contact with will portray me to be a virtuous woman. My Ethical Lens Inventory Discoveries: I find the inventory to be totally matching to one of my core values. It is Equality. I think that if every one where more balanced and took up there role up in this universe, everything would go smoother. I love that this inventory is right on the head especially with the classical values. I do value friendship, and I highly appreciate people who work with me for me. My Preferred Ethical Lens: I have found out that I listen to my intuition to determine what character traits and virtuous will best serve the community. I do agree that I like to be sensible, to figure out how I might better help others. I think of what is right and how I can help them better not only themselves but also their future. My Strengths and Weaknesses: Some of my strengths are doing what is right because it’s the right thing to do. I was at the gas station and the person in front of me left his phone. I see it and could of easily put it…show more content…
I will portray myself as a virtuous respectful woman so others can look up to me. I will respect people even if they don’t respect me just so I can be the bigger person. I will start bringing up the topic of respect with my in-laws so I can understand how they perceive the word and the action. Recently my mother in-law baby sited my 6 month old and I asked her to not give her any more juice until she is 1 years old. She did it anyway and I was very upset. Not because she gave my daughter juice but because she didn’t respect my wishes. That really bothered me because I have never disrespected her in anyway. I wish there were a way where I could teach everyone some values of some kind. Maybe then this world could get along

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