Essay On Middle And Early Childhood Development

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During the middle and late childhood years, children grow taller, heavier and stronger. They become more proficient at using their physical skills, and they develop new cognitive skills. The period of middle and late childhood involves slow, consistent growth (Burns & others, 2013). During this period, children’s motor skills become much smoother and more coordinated than they were in early childhood. Increased myelination of the central nervous system is reflected in the improvement of fine motor skills during middle and late childhood. I have observed that children can more skilfully use their hands as tools during the middle and late childhood. Yi Hang (6yrs old) is able to use a fork and knife together to cut soft foods, use one hand consistently for fine motor task and is able to colour inside the lines well. At eight years of age, Rehan is able to use his hands independently with more ease and precision. Rehan…show more content…
As children start school, their social world grow bigger. Since most of their earlier social interactions were mainly with family, the introduction of school opens up a whole new world of relationships with other people. This offers children a much richer and deeper pool of social experiences with both familiar and unfamiliar people. For example, at the age of six, Yi Hang is independent in his own ways. This independence gives him a sense of accomplishment. Hence, he takes pride in all that he does. Eight year old Rehan has a broader skill set and possesses more confidence. His parents trust him to complete daily tasks on his own. This includes choosing his own clothes and packing his school bag independently. Arush is a ten year old with greater attention to detail. He is curious to know more about what is happening around him. This has now led him to be more competitive with his
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