Equality and Diversity

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1. In relation to your chosen workplace / place of learning, provide examples of policies / codes of conduct that encourage and / or protect equality and diversity. Equality and Diversity are important in the Workforce as they underpin how an organisation delivers its services and helps to develop its workforce. Equality is based on the legal obligation to comply with anti-discrimination legislation. Equality protects people from being discriminated against on the grounds of group membership i.e. sex, race disability, sexual orientation, religion, belief, or age. Diversity for the workforce is about valuing and reaping the benefits of a varied workforce that makes the best of an individual’s skills and talents whatever their backgrounds. I work for a large City Council who has in place an Equality and Diversity Policy. As a public body they must also comply with the Equality Duty, this ensures that they consider the needs of all individuals in their daily work, in their employees and in delivering services. The Council has additional responsibilities to understand the effect their activities have on different individuals and groups of people. These policies applies to all council Members, all service users and those applying to access services; all contractors and sub contractors; and to all employees, whether part-time, full-time or temporary, and all job applicants. The Equality and Diversity Policy states that: “The council is committed to: • eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation; • advancing equality of opportunity; and • fostering good relations within and between our communities with a view to building good community relations” The Policy is in line with Council’s duties and responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010. “The aims are that: • All our existing and potential service users are treated
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