Enforcing Reading Essay

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Parents are always telling children that books and reading are good for them, but have they ever really thought about why that's true? Exactly what do older children get out of reading novels? What do younger kids get from being read to? Does reading matter? I've to say that, yes, it's true, reading really is important, and that there are some solid reasons why that is so. Books help us develop vital language skills and can enhance our social skills. Reading not only is it necessary for survival in the world of schools and later on universities, but in adult life as well. The ability to learn about new subjects and find helpful information on anything depends on the ability to read. The more young children are read to, the greater their interest in mastering reading. Reading out loud exposes children to proper grammar and phrasing. It enhances the development of their spoken language skills, their ability to express themselves verbally. Reading, by way of books, magazines or websites, exposes us to new vocabulary. Reading can open up new worlds and enrich our lives. This is how reading literature affected me. Through books I've learned a lot. When ever I need to investigate or I want to learn about something I try to find the information I need in a book, magazine or website. So reading really does matter after all. There are so many ways in which reading continues to be both a vital skill for children to master, and an important source of knowledge and pleasure that can last a lifetime. I would like to say to others that make the most of all the resources that are available and waiting for you: printed books, online books, magazines and so forth. And parents encourage your children to follow-up activities involving creative writing skills and the arts, as well, so that your children can reflect upon or expand on what they've absorbed and, at the same time,

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