Philosophy Of Literacy Instruction

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Philosophy of Literacy Instruction I believe that Tier I literacy instruction should be delivered in such a way that the students are nurtured to live lives in which reading and writing is an integral part. I want children to see writing as a powerful way to communicate and understand the thoughts they are developing in and out of school. I also believe that there is no one best way to mentor children into becoming lifelong readers and writers. I believe that children should have daily opportunities to read and write. I believe that teaching reading and writing begins with helping children want the life of a reader and writer. In order to accomplish this goal of developing lifelong readers and writers, I believe it is my responsibility to keep learning about proven research-based literacy programs. I believe that even in Tier I literacy instruction the teacher has the responsibility to differentiate instruction so that the vast array of learning styles and abilities present in the classroom will be nurtured. I believe that the most important part of literacy instruction, whether it be reading or writing, is communication. In reading, the communication is accomplished with strong comprehension skills that involve active participation of the reader as he interacts with the author to create meaning for himself. In writing, the communication happens when the writer clearly presents his thoughts and ideas to the reader. Furthermore, I believe that Tier II literacy instruction needs to be centered on the individual needs of the students who need this extra attention. I believe that it is most important for the teacher to have keen observation and assessment skills. This is so the teacher can identify and then teach in what Vygotsky calls The Zone of Proximal Development. I believe that remedial readers will never make progress forward if we don’t
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