Employees Satisfaction with Their Job

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How satisfied are your employees with their jobs and the company? You should be asking this question to yourself, quite often. For the reason, that a worker who is not satisfied with his job would not only be looking for a new job, he/she will also be uninterested in performing at their full potential. Whats more? Theyll transfer this negativity into their fellow workers and you will be left with a workforce where majority of the workers is discontent with their jobs. You can well imagine the consequences. On the other hand, an employee who is satisfied with his/her job will continuously strive to work hard so that he/she can retain the job. Job satisfaction is a product of many elements, some of the important ones are remuneration package, workforce environment, management style and the nature of the duties assigned. Management Style: The relationship between the manager and subordinates is a very critical one, if the managers or supervisors are disrespectful or unconcerned about their subordinates emotions; the job satisfaction level is always going to be low, no matter what the other instrumental factors are. Nobody likes discriminatory treatment, insulting remarks or overly authoritative behavior. Employees should feel at ease in the workplace, therefore the supervision should not unnecessarily violate the comfort level. Workforce Environment and health issues: Bad working conditions includes (but of course are not limited to) bad lighting, insufficient ventilation, hot temperatures or any other kind of health hazards. If the workers health is at risk, they can be anything but satisfied. These concerns should be solved on first priority basis without waiting for someone coming up with complains. In addition to the physical safety, working environment should also be able to provide mental peace. Issues like overly aggressive supervisors, bullish

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