Emotional Intelligence In The Workplace

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Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace Successful leaders have been studied extensively in an effort to determine the attributes contributing to effective leadership. Pearman (2011) writes leaders who employ the use of emotional intelligence deliver more transparent communication, accomplish initiated goals, and realize a greater level of employee satisfaction and engagement. The relevance of emotional intelligence correlates with the need for leaders to have followers. This is dependent on strong relationships (Pearman, 2011). Therefore, in addition to possessing the necessary technical skills, a truly outstanding leader also maximizes the application of emotional intelligence in the workplace. This paper will explore the attributes of…show more content…
Millan (2012) points out many business failures are a direct result of utilizing the same mindset for problem solving that was used to create the problem. In order for problem resolution to occur, the underlying issue must be exposed, accountability procured, and new measures instituted to correct the situation. Failure to accept accountability ultimately leads to failure in problem resolution (Millan, 2012). The next method for embodying emotional intelligence is to alter the workplace mindset (Millan, 2012). The author asserts changing the mindset is important because businesses often operate under the guise of fear; meaning the fear of losing a job, fear of not meeting a deadline, or fear of delivering substandard work. Therefore, by becoming a culture built on positivity, an open and creative environment is fostered (Millan, 2012). Another method for embodying emotional intelligence is to become an expert in building relationships (Millan, 2012). To improve relationships, individuals must recognize the cycle of relationship patterns and dynamics. This recognition will assist individuals in building workplace unification, decrease the struggles for authority, and to resolve conflict (Millan, 2012). Instituting an Emotionally Intelligent…show more content…
Moreover, the leader promotes job satisfaction by supporting a shift to a positive mindset. Likewise, the leader encourages productivity through social skill, offering an approachable demeanor and building trusting relationships. This plan offers both strengths and weaknesses. To begin with, one of the plan’s strengths is the provision of specific tools for employee development, such as stress management. Furthermore, by lending an empathetic ear and accurately identifying the root cause of problems, the plan builds relevant solutions to meet employee needs, enabling enhanced performance. Another strength is boosting the workplace atmosphere through optimism. The plan has some weaknesses in addition to the above listed strengths. For instance, an approach using emotional intelligence attributes may be perceived as invasive or personal, resulting in employee resistance (Pearman, 2011). Also, some employees may not be capable or willing to transition to a positive mindset. Additionally, an employee may not resonate with the organization’s work culture, ultimately rendering all emotional intelligence efforts ineffective.

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