Career Plan Building Activity ― Work Culture Preferences BCOM 275 How can knowing your ideal work culture help you in determining appropriate channels for communication? * * Work culture is the cohesiveness that connects employees within an organization. A positive work culture generates the foundation of its success. Since work cultures differ between organizations, it is important to know how to communicate and maintain effectiveness. Organizations differ in personality and style, and can influence how employees work with each other; and how decisions are made.
Buyer Power Market size Size and value of each order Differences between competitors Price sensitivity Ability to substitute Cost of changing Buyer Power Market size Size and value of each order Differences between competitors Price sensitivity Ability to substitute Cost of changing Competitive Rivalry: Many competitors? Differences in the quality of competition? Switching costs for customers? Can you ensure customer loyalty? Cost of leaving the market?
Social Exchange Theory is helpful in interpersonal communication because it can determine an individual’s personal values and priorities. Therefore, the articles, “Deciding to Divorce Using Social Exchange Theory,” “Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs,” and “Employees With Flex Time Put in More Hours” support the understanding of this theory. As you see, the Social Exchange Theory claims that people create and develop relationships that can help them maximize their profits. It is a theory based on the economic model of profits and losses and it begins with the equation, Rewards – Costs = Profits. Rewards are any gain or benefit that would incur costs to obtain.
1.2 Analyze the impact of individual employee characteristics on organizational performance. There is a link between employee satisfaction, customer service and improved financial performance. Organizational communication is the key to employee satisfaction and employee engagement, positive interaction between managers and employees are relative to goal setting and a positive organizational culture is a significant driver to keep employees engaged and performing at optimal levels. 1.3 Determine management methods based on individual employee characteristics. Management methods based on individual employee characteristics can truly prove to be the difference between a successful
His or her example of what is ethical behavior is going to teach the junior the correct way of doing things. Also, having a good attitude towards employees and treating them fairly are great ways of mentoring. “Perhaps most important is creating an environment in which employees believe people are treated fairly” (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, & Wright, 2009). The junior employees need to know what is expected of them and how they are supposed to act or perform in certain situations. In training simulations or real life experiences, mentors need to provide the employee with feedback and positive reinforcement.
This program will provide the employees a number of professional development opportunities to build skills, strengthen our core values, remove barriers and enhance trust among the leadership group and our employee base. This program will appeal to the employee’s intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. As we see with Douglas McGregor’s “Theory Y” proposition, employees like work, are creative, seek responsibility, will exercise self-direction and self-control if they are committed to the objectives. Introducing an employee leadership
This process helps an individual understand how others perceive them. Feedback is essential to facilitating performance improvements. Feedback allows people to utilize their strengths to their advantage. Feedback informs employees which actions create problems for others and to know what changes may be needed. 360 Performance Appraisal: Uses Uses for 360 Performance Appraisal include: Employee Development Performance Appraisal Performance Management Training Needs Assessment Evaluation of Training Attitude Survey Organizational Climate Survey Customer Satisfaction Survey This process can also be a motivator of performance since it shows the employee that their opinions and views are considered important.
This also involves promoting staff, this can make employees feel valued and can encourage better behaviour in the workplace and may also cause the employee to perform better if they show more self-worth. 5. Self-actualisation needs- this involves setting challenging assignments for employees with this need, they may feel their work is meaningless unless they receive a challenging assignment, employees at this level need to feel they are working for a good reason. The ability to self-actualise is mostly related with the privileged The process theories of motivation attempt describe and analyse how personal factors (internal to the person) interact and influence each other to produce certain kinds of behaviour. The equity theory is an
The Effect of Employee Engagement In Reward Systems and Performance Management Introduction The success of any organization rests on the strategic management of its employees. It’s vital for an organization to attract, motivate and retain the best talent available to achieve and sustain a long-term competitive advantage. To achieve this the Human Resources Department must design a performance management system that not only links employee performance outcomes and expectations to its strategic goals, but also uses the system as a tool to improve employee productivity as well as recognizing employee accomplishments, all while emphasizing the employee’s role in the process. The challenging part is motivating the employee to increase and sustain productive behavior. An organization’s reward system can be used as a motivational tool if the rewards being offered are considered valuable by the employee.
1. Foreman’s course works to improve the attitudes of the employees working for a given company. Studies have shown that worker attitudes are directly related to the success of a company. Thus the program has the potential to improve worker moral and wellbeing which in turn will help to improve the profitability of Albertsons. As said in the textbook job satisfaction has a direct affect on customer satisfaction and the profitability of a company so if Foreman’s course can do what is pledges then it could have a positive effect on Albertsons profitability.