Electronic Surveillance of Employees

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Assignment #1 – “Electronic Surveillance of Employees” LEG/500 NAME October 23, 2011 Professor Abstract Privacy in the workplace is difficult to attain with the technological advances that we continue to build and improve on. Monitoring of all levels is almost guaranteed with organizations trying to protect in what they believe are their best interests. Open areas are often easy to intrude and collect private information and monitor employee’s work ethics and habits. Enclosed offices offer a higher layer of protection from collection methods but are normally as susceptible in terms of electronic surveillance measures. In regards to either form of workspace it is the responsibility of the employee to ensure they are following the guidelines and requirements of what the organization they belong to has established. Laws and acts that have been set forth deem the appropriate paths that must be followed with any form of electronic surveillance. It is seen throughout this report that surveillance disclosed can prevent issues amongst employers and employees but the ultimate goal of protecting the interest of the organization allows in many cases for such surveillance to be conducted. Consent is required in one form of fashion and must be given to all parties of the surveillance from the employer in cases, to the employee all the way to the third-parties that are involved. Expectance of privacy in the workplace is determined by the levels of responsibilities and mission that the employee is set to fulfill by their respective employers. Office spaces allow for different levels of privacy but in the end require the same commitment and protection of employees to safeguard information that they do not want to have intercepted by any means. Mr. Herman learns throughout interactions with his sales personnel that although his intentions
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