Title VII In The Workplace

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Title VII Paper MGT/434 – Employment Law University of Phoenix Jeff Herring Monday, August 22nd, 2011 Title VII Paper Introduction There are many rules and regulations that must be followed in the workplace. Some rules are beneficial to the employees while other rules benefit the employer. Overall rules are made to make sure that there is fairness within an organization. Discrimination is something that continues to happen in our workplaces. It will never be extinguished but laws and regulations can hold them accountable for acting on those discriminations. Unfortunately, it has only been in the last sixty years that the government has started getting involved in workplace discrimination. Title VII of the Civil Rights…show more content…
In this paper Team B will explain the scope of Title VII and its applications in the workplace. We will address the history and evolution of Title VII and its amendments, the application of Title VII and amendments in the workplace, who is covered and not covered under Title VII and its amendments, how disparate impact discrimination and disparate treatment discrimination occur under Title VII and their implications. Lastly, we will also discuss policies that companies must have in place to avoid violations of Title VII and its amendments and how the law defines sexual harassment and employers’ responsibilities for addressing employees’ complaints in the work place. The History & Evolution of Title VII & its Amendments (PDA, ADA, ADEA) Today's employment practices were…show more content…
Some example of discrimination are, sex, religion, gender, color, and sexual harassment (Bennett-Alexander, Hartman 2007). Discrimination is an unfortunate reality within the workplace in the United State, and title VII and its amendments will help deter the employers from this action. Without title VII employers would be taking advantage of their employees by only hiring who they feel are capable of doing the job whether they can or not, or if they have the qualifications or not. Companies have the right to hire the most qualified person for the job, as long as they are not knowingly discriminating against the person. Other forms of discrimination that happen most often within the workplace are age and disability discrimination, these are also protected under title VII and it amendments, for example, there is age discrimination in employment act (ADEA) and the American with disability act
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